SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) is a group of method used with an eye to reach the beneficial position read the: mount for in various result of searcher machine of when somebody type the seeking keyword in the searcher machine. And this represent the part of Search Engine Marketing
Under this I will explain about such which must be done and which may not be done. Is important especially to reach the long-range target from your situs
Onpage Optimization / Optimasi from within our own page;yard web situs:
1. strategy of Spam keyword
This is oldest strategy used by webmaster, and this strategy is very not suggested, because all search engine / searcher machine have assumed it as collision. Spam Keyword conducted by writing down keyword keyword by recuring repeat at one particular certain page;yard web of the size very small letter by using < style="font-size:78%;">. Don'T use the this old strategy
2. strategy Invisible and semi of visible keyword
This also don't be done, because progressively day of searcher machine use the checking algorithm which bright progressively. What a pity if insincere you of searcher machine for the purpose of just which is short-range.
3. strategy of Development of doorway pages
PROHIBITED TO BY OSSIFY THE. Doorway Pages / Gateway Pages, any is its name represent the matter ussually for faction of black hat SEO. just Ready to ready to you is massacred by searcher machine of if you use this strategy. As a result, your situs is the will lose from seeking result - until you the update web sites
Doorway Pages is page;yard of page;yard web majored for the optimasi of certain keyword seenly is factor of keyword density / closeness keyword from the page;yard
4. good Page;Yard redirect strategy use the meta tag and or by javascript
Immediately after develop;building doorway pages is usually continued by redirect to prima facie page;yard. This may not yes, don't be wrong of just just bad image. Wait to regret.
5. Strategy use the comment of line html >
Possible among you , there is recognize this trik. Way of its job that is by put is keyword of at code HTML which is basically addressed for the comment of the other code This Trik good for at past, but now have worn out and do not have an effect on what what to your position situs in searcher machine
6. Strategy [of] pursuant to sequence ASCII, Numerik And Alfabet
7. Strategy use the ALT image ( gambar) - So if this, you can practice
Way of its job is by filling in ALT of at your image by sandwiching your keyword. < src="LOGO.JPG" alt=" fill in various keyword matching with your theme website..." height="110" weight="">8. Strategy Link one pixel
Do not have an effect on and clearly this is spam
9. Strategy hide the link # SPAM.
Search Engine hate this.
10. strategy of Development sitemap
So if this suggested, because its intention to lead the searcher machine so that he will easy to walk the road;street from your one page;yard web to other page;yard, its result all page;yard of web index you'd in the searcher machine database. And this will improve the amount traffic to your web [is] the
Read my article whereof that sitemap and how to make [it] and also advantage you to obtain;get by using sitemap here #
11. Strategy by using CSS ( Cascading Style Sheet )
To hide the text keyword and link link at one particular certain page;yard we
12. Frequency update from your situs
One of factor reckoned by Google and machine look for other;dissimilar is how often your situs is updated. Better a more regular. Various means can be conducted, without too much your interference as webmaster : community development in your situs throughforum, blog, wiki, and a lot of again. One other medium tren in this time is by using rss feed, that is by using rss agregator to be translated by into html which can in gluing in your page;yard situs is certain.
Usually taken as goals is big situs situs news, perhaps the situs will be updated by each;every moment. As as a result your page;yard situs even also will be updated periodically also, without too much your interference. Easy to non
13. Validasi of Code of HTML and your CSS website relate to standard W3C
14. Select;Choose the place hosting for the situs of your with the correct strategy
Offpage Optimization / Optimasi by thinking external influence of]our sites:
1. Strategy Convert the Link ( Reciprocal Link )
trapped Neglectless by link is farm ( changing over link without minding relevansi and quality) like FFA, spam guestbook and or spam comment in blog others. Tardy or quickly if you use the way of this will affect ugly for your mount in searcher machine, even can incur the block by machine look for the google - hardest famous google to method spam-. For that start to develop;build the link partner by which is as natural as possible
How do you know the, just receptive which website link partner? My knowledge is website-website of outside there a lot provide the place or special page;yard web to change over the link, of course you have to look for by xself, how to look for it? In my blog is you will find the - Tip-Tip look for the effective link partner
As you know, that one of factor of mount search engine google is : To the number of situs which relate the on-link) to your situs, Quality from the situs sites, Anchor Text / Text Link which relate to your situs and sum up from link out(outbound link) from your situs friend is.
- Look for in Google with the key word of following: inurl:add_link.php, inurl:add_link.html, inurl:add_link.htm, inurl:add_link.asp, and so on. As complete as you can read in shares blog
Afterwards group the coresponding situs of its theme by situs is the you. Hereinafter follow the method step convert the link by situs is them. Don'T forget to check the the traffic situs - in cheque in - if better good mount hence, as note of rank in alexa is 1.
That way also by google is pagerank can in cheque in or use the google toolbar
Afterwards plan the anchor text / text link you to keep in their situs that. if the anchor text as according to keyword which you intend. See also whether in place relocation link in their situs that the inclusive of link-spam or link farm, where a lot of secretory corps link from page;yard link[in the situs, if a lot of (> 25 fruit in one page;yard web) hence just just other searching.
Way of the other;dissimilar, you can joint forces with the link exchange service
Follow the example of the laboring link exchange service automatically is linkmarket and indexguy. Liver trapped by link is farm
2. One Way Link ( One Way Tautan
the way of can be conducted for the matter of this, some among other things is directory submission, social bookmarking submission, and social networking submission. Need to is always seen that by a important quality non amount.
Update the strategy of one way link
forum Submission look for popular : seen from level of Google PR and alexa ranking. Enlist and active of disana...Jangan forget to enter your link as " signature link". Have no the time to be active there?? Buy the signature linknya from one who active there...
Newest Tip-tip
How to include the new situs you, so that index by machine of searcher google in seven day. Usually if you wish to include your situs to your searcher google machine have to include it to url , or by software or with the service online of like here. And you have to await until about one month;moon from since your data situs inclusion is the to enter in index of machine of searcher google. But there is an way of where your situs is the of index will by google within more or less seven day
1. Open the machine of searcher google
2. Typing in form of pursuant to keyword which you target matching with your theme situs, for example its keyword " online business
3. Later;Then from the seeking result will emerge result of seeking. Look for the situs situs having PR ( Google Pagerank = Mount the importance from a[n situs of pursuant to algorithm of perankingan google) high that is above 5
4. Searching of whether the situs situs there is page;yard convert the linknya, or kah there is blog, its forum is conducive [of] you to put the link to the new situs you.
5. If way of to 4 there no, hence you must contact by webmaster is pertinent to ready to to put the link from your situs is the. Or way of easier by buying location link in situs having high PR. When this writing there is situs by PR 7 readying to place the your link situs at homepagenya by mematok is price $ 100 month;moon. Special for the location of in situs by PR 7 even situs index you'd google within less than one day. You enough buy just to be one month, anyway in just less than one day since that location is your situs is index have google
Read also SEO for the google of, SEO for the MSN OF, SEO for the Yahoo of
Plugins Wordpress
Optimasi Search Engine # cforms. Form Contact The # Google Sitemap of Generator of for Wordpress. Make the Sitemap xml # Popularity Contest. Presenting popularitas article / posting # Automattic Stats. Statistical of situs in # WP-CACHE
SEO Again
There [is] a lot of report of concerning situs-situs which dibanned by Google and good other search engine whereas and also forever, because malpractice and use the ‘ black hat’ technique of optimasi SEO. React from easy search engine for the
Meta of Tag and Search Engine / Searcher Machine
One of factor for the optimasi of improvement ranking and in search engine / searcher machine is usually determined from accuracy of this writing Meta tag, especially description and keywords / its keyword with the content from website ...
Why You should use Search Engine Optimization Services.
SEO Services of acre of a key element to effective Internet marketing. SEO Services of acre of intended to provide web sites with targeted traffic that, in turn, results in increased customers, sales or marketing databases. SEO Services of acre numerous
Comment On Tips SEO for the Optimasi of Website [of] [at] Search Engine by ...
hopefully computer science remain to be glorious and give the ilmu2nya make the kta
Search Engine Optimization ( SEO) Mashup
Alltop Is an interesting site with mashups on various topics. The Mashup’S on Search Engine Optimization and Social of Media of is quite good. Check It out. Here Is the original: Search Engine Optimization ( SEO) Mashup
Tool-Tool Google [of] besides Search Engine
Though besides functioning as searcher machine, Google provide a lot of very facilitating fitur and tools [of] netter explore the illusory world and also for the optimasi of blog. Following some fitur Google [of] besides search engine
SEO: The True Cost of Doing It Wrong
There Is much debate in the general public and in the search engine optimization community of ace of to what amount companies should pay for search engine optimization expertise.* Prices of Acre of all over the board, and can be influenced by an SEO ...
&A With Marshall Simmonds, In-House [of] SEM: About.Com, NYT.COM
Ace of in-house A continuation of our series of interviews with [of] search engine marketers, this month we’ve engaged Marshall Simmonds. He Heads up the search-related efforts at About.Com and the New York Times. Marshall Has a deep history
corps of links tool SEO
11- Search Engine Decoder 12- SEO Links Extention 13- Bulk Google Page Rank Checker Tool
Reject Again
my optimasi seo blog that have enough, but don't know why ga also nambah-nambah visitornya, merely segitu-segitu aja without there [is] improvement, most which datangin visitor from search engine from google pake keyword PCMAV
10 Blogging Step 6. Optimasi Frontpage [of] Front page
perhaps [is] most page;yard [is] often gone to [at] sebuh webpage. For that front page require to be maximized [by] as one of trik Search Engine Optimization(Seo). For example using “ ldii� [in] ...
Search Engine Optimization Software
SEO or the search engine optimization for your website is the most important thing in order to get a higher page ranking with all of the major search engines like Yahoo and Google. Although there are a number of websites which boast ...
Comment on Tips SEO untuk Optimasi Website pada Search Engine by ...
wah…makasi banget saran n pdf’nya ya mas… membantu banget.
Ethical Search Engine Optimization
September 4, 2008 ( PowerHomeBiz ) - United Kingdom — If you have taken the time to learn a little about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you will no … Ethical Search Engine Optimization.
Why Patience Is A Virtue In The Search Engine Optimisation ...
A look at the importance of patience when pursuing a search engine optimisation strategy and how selecting keywords is a vital task.
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